Single-Player. Tank combat simulator with role-playing elements !
Portable(.EXE) Freeware Software Made with Passion for High Quality Computer Tank Games !
Portable(.EXE) Freeware Software Made with Passion for High Quality Computer Tank Games !
Free Full version game: (freeware/free software)
Download : (158.68Mb) ダウンロード, 下載
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Watch on youtube ビデオ, 视频
Game's world map 地図 , 地图 ヘルプ, 幫助

Quality sign from the maker Niklas Rabb
"Creating Beauty And Treasury That Lasts With Highest Possible Effort"
"Creating Beauty And Treasury That Lasts With Highest Possible Effort"
Screenshots: (more... see bottom of the page)
Army Tanks 3: Control your own tank through open roads!
Army Tanks 3: Visit many real world lands!
Army Tanks 3: Day/Night time cycle. Including night vision (Thermal imaging system: TIS)
Army Tanks 3: Collect money to repair your tank and buy upgrades
Army Tanks 3: Communicate with many characters!
Army Tanks 3: Save urban areas to receive 9 medals
Army Tanks 3: Open world map.(Tank's main panel)
Army Tanks 3: Load and save your status at anytime
- Many weapons: Game specialized in tank combat
Soldier 3 weapons:
1. SMG (basic and advanced machine gun)
2. Grenades
3. Mines
Tank 8 weapons:
Against tanks:
1. Turret(-s)
2. Unguided missiles
3. Homing missiles
4. Auto turret / sentry cannon
Against Infantry:
1. Heavy machine gun HMG
2. Chemical gas
Plus Non-lethal weapons:
1. Smoke screen
2. Electromagnetic pulse EMP
- Real continuous large world map with changing ecoregions through different geographical zones: trees and animals change depending on the location.
- Upgrade\Evolve your own tank 6 thrilling stages !
- 9 meetable characters
- Collect money and medals by saving urban areas
- Use hospitals and shops
- Day-and nighttime: night vision
- Destructible environment: trees, buildings, cars
- Real sounds
- Urban areas and wildernesses. 2 different zone types!
- Modern tank simulator RPG with today's weapons: seeking missiles, EMP, bioweapon
- Easy, user friendly and attractive gameplay
Publisher's description:
The latest version of the game is tuned to its max as a tank
game. Lots of new features such as saving system, mouse
controlling, day\night time, in-game shops, large real world
map, characters and a totally new gameplay will offer
something new and refreshing to all tank fans.
The alive evolving smart tank is now closer to the
player than ever with the new role-playing style game. Explore the world with your very own tank. Rampage through enemy lines to earn money, save conquered cities and earn 9 medals to complete the game.
Interacting mechanics and sounds liven up the game:
feel the bursting missiles, falling trees and moving tanks. The
world is based on real life: climate, trees and animals change
in different geographical zones. Time is also constantly
changing offering night and day transitions during game.
Years of practise and knowledge in making tank
games have given me possibility to make this game with my
whole hearth. Thanks for playing and enjoy!!!
Suomi: Armeijan Tankit 3 Panssarivaunu toimintaroolipeli
Deutch: Armee Panzer 3 Panzer Action-Rollenspiel
Polski: Armia Czołg 3 Fabularna gra akcji
Русский: Армия Танк 3 Ролевой боевик
中文: 陆军 坦克 3 動作角色扮演遊戲
日本語: 陸軍 戦車 3 アクションロールプレイングゲーム
Tiếng Việt: Lục quân Xe tăng 3 Hành động game nhập vai
Military Tank Simulator 2011. Action Adventure Battle Tank Game.
game. Lots of new features such as saving system, mouse
controlling, day\night time, in-game shops, large real world
map, characters and a totally new gameplay will offer
something new and refreshing to all tank fans.
The alive evolving smart tank is now closer to the
player than ever with the new role-playing style game. Explore the world with your very own tank. Rampage through enemy lines to earn money, save conquered cities and earn 9 medals to complete the game.
Interacting mechanics and sounds liven up the game:
feel the bursting missiles, falling trees and moving tanks. The
world is based on real life: climate, trees and animals change
in different geographical zones. Time is also constantly
changing offering night and day transitions during game.
Years of practise and knowledge in making tank
games have given me possibility to make this game with my
whole hearth. Thanks for playing and enjoy!!!
Niklas Rabb
Multilingual Battle Tank Action RPG:
8 Languages:
English: Army Tanks 3 Tank Action role-playing gameSuomi: Armeijan Tankit 3 Panssarivaunu toimintaroolipeli
Deutch: Armee Panzer 3 Panzer Action-Rollenspiel
Polski: Armia Czołg 3 Fabularna gra akcji
Русский: Армия Танк 3 Ролевой боевик
中文: 陆军 坦克 3 動作角色扮演遊戲
日本語: 陸軍 戦車 3 アクションロールプレイングゲーム
Tiếng Việt: Lục quân Xe tăng 3 Hành động game nhập vai
Visioning the first user friendly battle tank game since 1997
The Original Army Tanks PC Game
More screenshots:
Non-player characters(NPCs):
Remixed Wallpapers 1997:
Army Tanks:
- Nonviolent and children friendly. No age limit
- No extra bundle just the game
- Portable. Installs nothing to the registry, etc...
- Real world, no imaginary tales
Homepage of the Army Tanks large world action rpg military battle tank fighter war simulator computer video game 2011
Original Army Tanks © Copyright Niklas Rabb.
Service, knowledge, longevity and stability of the first original brand name. Army Tanks 1 [1997], Army Tanks 2 [2004], Army Tanks 3 [2011].